Jumma girl raped in Guimara


Tuseday, July 28,2015

A 17-year-old Jumma girl has been reportedly gang raped by Bengali settelers at Fazar Para near Guimara Army Brigade in Khagrachri.

The girl went missing on Monday while she was grazing her cows near her house in Guimara.

After much searching, she was recovered unconscious on Tuesday evening in a nearly jungle.

According to local sources, the girl bore torture marks and evidence of rape.

When she came to her senses, she said that she had recognized one of her attackers, Majid, sources added.

They also said that the army was trying to cover up the rape.

“ When we were taking her to Khagrachari hospital for treatment, the army from Guimara Brigade  prevented us from doing so’’ one of the villagers told chtnews.com and added that the army had taken the victim and her relatives to Brigade headquarters saying they would provide medical care to her.
News No.117/2015


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